Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Subjects by Title
- 2006
- 2007 Lists
- 2008 is Here!
- A Dog's Christmas
- A Dubya Christmas
- A Galaxy Far Away
- A Link and a Prayer
- A Round of Links
- A Round of Links
- A Sinkful of Links
- Accountant
- Adam and Eve
- Advanced Science Class
- Air Travel
- Airlines
- Airplanes
- Airport
- Alcohol
- Alien Abduction
- Alien Invasion
- Aliens
- Aliens from Outer Space
- Amazing Facts
- Animal Kingdom
- Animals
- Apes and Monkeys
- April Fool
- Are you bored?
- Arithmetic
- Art
- Art Appreciation
- Art Class
- Art Show
- Asshole
- Astronomy
- Australia Day
- Automobiles
- Automotive
- Autumn
- Autumn Finally!
- BOBs Winners!
- Babies
- Back to School
- Back to School 2007
- Bad Blonde Jokes
- Bad Food
- Bad Jobs
- Bad Medicine
- Bad Parenting
- Bad Parenting 2
- Bad Parenting 3
- Bad Santa
- Bad Science
- Bad Sex
- Bald Men
- Bananas
- Barbecue
- Barbie
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Batman
- Batter Up!
- Bears
- Beauty
- Beer
- Beer Break
- Beer Jokes
- Beer Technique
- Bicycle
- Big Cats
- Bigfoot
- Birdbrain
- Birds
- Birthday
- Birthday Party
- Blogging
- Blogiversary
- Blogiversary 2
- Blondes
- Boat
- Body Hair
- Bodymods
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Books
- Booze
- Boxing Day Links
- Boys Gone Wild
- Bras
- Bras 2
- Breakfast
- Breakfast 2
- Breakfast Food
- Breasts
- Bugs
- Bugs and Creepy-Crawlies
- Bugs and Insects
- Busy Links
- Campaign 2008
- Can I buy you a link?
- Canada
- Car Buying
- Carnival of Crazy
- Carnival of Crazy #22
- Cars
- Cars and Driving
- Casablanca
- Cat
- Cat Humor
- Cat-O-Rama
- Cats Links
- Cats and Kittens
- Caveman
- Celebrities
- Cell Phone
- Cheating
- Chemistry
- Chickens
- Childhood
- Children
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Candy
- Chocolate and Coffee
- Christmas Critters
- Christmas Decorations
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Gone Bad
- Christmas Links 2007
- Christmas Links Volume One
- Christmas Links Volume Three
- Christmas Links Volume Two
- Christmas Links for Kids
- Christmas Music
- Christmas Office Party
- Christmas Romance
- Christmas Shopping
- Christmas Toys
- Christmas Treats
- Christmas Tree
- Christmas at War
- Christmas for Kids
- Christmas in Japan
- Cinema
- Circus
- Classic TV
- Classical Music
- Clocks
- Coffee
- Coffee Break
- Coffee and Chocolate
- Cold
- College
- Colorado
- Commuting
- Computer Trap Shoot
- Condoms
- Cooking
- Cooking Food
- Cops
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Cowboy Love
- Cowboys
- Cows
- Creative Proposals
- Crop Circles
- Cup of Coffee
- Curmudgeon
- Cute Critters
- Cyclops Kitten
- Dangerous Old People
- Darth Vader
- Dates
- Dath Vatter
- Dating
- Dating Horrors
- Dead Bodies
- Death
- Death Warmed Over
- Death and Dying
- Delayed Justice
- Dental Work
- Dentist
- Desert Island
- Diet
- Diet Management
- Diet Tips
- Dieting
- Disney Princesses
- Divorce
- Divorce or Murder?
- Dixie Talk
- Do you want links with that?
- Doctor
- Doctor's Office
- Does my butt look big in this?
- Dog Humor
- Dog Jokes
- Dogs
- Dogs and Cats
- Dogs and More Dogs
- Dogs and Puppies
- Down South
- Drinking
- Drinking Stories
- Driving Lessons
- Dubya
- Dubya Links
- Dubya Today
- Ducks
- Duct Tape
- Dumb Blondes
- Easter Eggs
- Easter Sunday
- Eating out
- Economics
- Elders
- Elephant Appreciation Day
- Elephant Jokes
- Elephant Tales
- Elephants
- Elves
- Elvis
- Engineer Identification Test
- English
- English 102
- English Around the World
- English Grammar
- English Language
- English Translation
- Even More Cats
- Even more links
- Eyes
- Fairy Tales
- Fart
- Fart-Lighting Videos
- Fast Food
- Fast Food Fun
- Fat
- Father's Day
- Fatherhood
- Fifty Nifty States
- Film Festival
- Film Flicks
- Fine Dining
- Fire
- Firefighters
- Fireworks
- First Date
- Fish Tales
- Fish Tank
- Fishermen
- Fishing
- Fishing Trip
- Flamingos and Other Birds
- Flu
- Fly Me!
- Font
- Food
- Food Stuff
- Food and Sex
- Football
- Football 2
- Forest Creatures
- Fresh Hot Links
- Fresh Underwear
- Friday the Thirteenth
- Fringe Candidates
- Frogs
- From the Comments
- From the Comments #3
- From the Comments #4
- From the Comments 2
- Fruitcake
- Fun with Dubya
- Fun with da Net
- Funeral
- Gambling
- Garden
- Garden Planting
- Gardening
- Gas Pains
- Geek Cooking
- Geek Sex
- Geeks
- Generation X
- Geographic Fun
- Geography
- Geography 2
- Geography 201
- Geography Test
- Georgia
- Get To Work!
- Getting Older
- Ghost Stories
- Goin' Ape!
- Gold Digger
- Golf
- Golf Game
- Golfers
- Good Tidings of Great Joy
- Graduation
- Grandparents
- Green Beer and Leprechauns
- Groceries
- Groundhogs and Other Critters
- Guy Walks Into A Bar...
- Gynecology
- Hair
- Haircut
- Hall of Fame Links Volume One
- Halloween
- Halloween Candy
- Halloween Costume Parade
- Halloween Costumes
- Halloween Links
- Halloween Party
- Hands
- Hangover
- Harry Potter
- Harvest
- Haunted House
- Have a link on me!
- He's Alive
- Health Insurance
- Hillbilly Computer
- History
- Holiday Shopping Guide
- Holiday Shopping Guide 2006
- Holiday Shopping Guide Volume Two
- Hollywood
- Holy Macros! Its LOLcats!
- Home Improvement
- Horror Stories
- Horses
- Hot
- Hotel
- House Cleaning
- Housekeeping
- Housework
- If you have to tell us
- Illusions
- In all the wrong places
- Income Tax
- Incredible Edibles
- Indiana Jones
- Insects
- Insects and Bugs
- Introduction to the Muppets
- Invisible
- It's A Girl!
- It's A Wonderful Life
- Its My Party!
- Jack the Ripper
- Jack-O-Lanterns
- Jail
- James Bond
- Jedi Film Festival
- Job
- Job Hunting
- Job Stuff
- Journalism
- Journalism 101
- Journalists
- Joy To The World
- Just Desserts
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Jokes
- Kid Stuff
- Kids
- Kisses
- Kitty Cats
- Labor Day
- Languages
- Law and Order
- Lawn Mowing
- Leap Day
- Lets have another Link
- Letters and Words
- Letters to Santa
- Librarian
- Library
- Lies
- Link City
- Link This!
- Linkin' Around
- Linkomania
- Linkomatic
- Linkorama
- Linkosity
- Links All Around!
- Links For Everyone!
- Links Letter
- Links all around!
- Links and Diversions
- Links and More Links
- Links and Sore Sages
- Links and Videos
- Links for Everyone!
- Links of the Week
- Links of the Week
- Links!
- Literary Mama
- Literature
- Little Boys
- Little Furballs
- Livestock
- Living the Dream
- Location, location, location
- Lotsa Links
- Love and Romance
- Lunch
- Magician
- Making Movies
- Male Anatomy
- Male Sexuality
- Manliness
- Manly Men
- Mardi Gras
- Marijuana
- Marriage
- Marriage Woes
- Mars and Venus, Introduction
- Mars and Venus: A Day Late
- Mars and Venus: Bad Date
- Mars and Venus: Crossed Signals
- Mars and Venus: Dictionary
- Mars and Venus: Education
- Mars and Venus: Expectations
- Mars and Venus: Good Times
- Mars and Venus: Just Plain Different
- Mars and Venus: Literature
- Mars and Venus: Living Together
- Mars and Venus: Man Things
- Mars and Venus: Marriage
- Mars and Venus: Men and Money
- Mars and Venus: Movies
- Mars and Venus: Procedures
- Mars and Venus: Seeking
- Mars and Venus: Semantics
- Mars and Venus: The Advantages
- Mars and Venus: Viva la Difference!
- Mars and Venus: We Think Differently
- Mars and Venus: What Men Want
- Mars and Venus: What Women Want
- Mars and Venus: Woman Things
- Mars and Venus: he said, she said
- Mars and Venus: the Breakup
- Martial Arts
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Mass Transit
- Math
- Math Degree
- Math Gone Weird
- Math Lessons
- Math Teacher
- Mathematicians
- Mathematics
- Matrimony
- McDonalds
- McDonalds II
- Medical Practice
- Medicine
- Medieval Legends
- Meme Time
- Men
- Menagerie
- Menopause
- Menstruation
- Military
- Military Pilots
- Mixed Drinks
- Money
- Monkey Business
- Monkeys and Apes
- Monsters
- Monty Python
- More Cats
- More Cows
- More Dubya
- More Toilet Humor
- Mother's Day
- Motherhood
- Mothers
- Movie Lists
- Movies
- Mr. Right
- Muppet Wars
- Murder
- Music Notes
- Music, Maestro!
- Musical Instruments
- Musicians
- My Funny Valentine
- Nerds
- New Jersey
- New Links
- New Year's Eve
- New Years Day 2007
- New York
- New York City
- New York, New York
- Non-Christmas Links
- Nostalgia
- Nuns
- Obscure History
- Observations
- Odd Cooking
- Odds and ends
- Office Hijinks
- Office Job
- Old Age
- Old Folks
- Old Movies
- Older Women
- Oldsters
- Olympics
- One too many links
- Our Pets
- Oz
- Pancakes for Breakfast
- Pandas
- Parking
- Parking Lot
- Peacocks
- Peeps, Easter Eggs, and Bunnies
- Perfect Post and Weblog Awards
- Personal Hygiene
- Pet Bird
- Petting Zoo
- Philosophers
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physics 201
- Pickup Lines
- Pigs
- Piracy
- Pirates
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Pizza
- Plane Fun
- Plastic Surgery
- Playhouse
- Plumber
- Pluto
- Police
- Porcupine or Hedgehog
- Preacher
- Pregnancy
- Presidents Day
- Procrastination
- Promoting Your Ebook
- Proposals
- Prostitution
- Psychiatry
- Puberty
- Pumpkins
- Puns
- Puppy Dogs
- Pussycat
- Rabbits
- Rats and Mice
- Real Beauty
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- Recipes
- Redneck Christmas
- Redneck Engineering Exam
- Redneck Jokes
- Redneck Photo Album
- Redneck Roundup
- Redneck Sense
- Redneck Time!
- Redneck Wedding
- Rednecks
- Relocation
- Remedial Science Class
- Remembrance
- Remodeling
- Rent
- Reptiles and Amphibians
- Rescue
- Restaurant
- Retail
- Review Me!
- Road Trip Report
- Robert C. McLaughlin
- Robot Sex
- Robotics
- Robots
- Romance Novels
- Sadie Hawkins Day
- Safari
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- Santa Claus Time!
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- Sci-Fi Christmas
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- Science for Dummies
- Scientific Experiments
- Scientists
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- Seafaring
- Seafood
- Senior Sex
- Seniors and Sex
- Sex
- Sex Advice
- Sex Ed
- Sex Education
- Sex Jokes
- Sex and the Senior Citizen
- Sex and the Single Blogger
- Sexy Senior Citizens
- Shakespeare
- Shall We Dance?
- Sheep
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- Sports
- Sports Center
- Spring
- Squirrel-o-rama
- Squirrels
- Squirrels Gone Bad
- St. Patrick's Day
- Star Trek
- Star Trek Red Shirts
- Star Trek Sex
- Star Trek VII: The Seventh Post
- Star Trek: Mashups and Fantasies
- Star Trek: The Next Post
- Star Trek: The Search for Sanity
- Star Trek: The Undiscovered Post
- Star Wars LOLcats
- Star Wars: Thirty Years Later
- Still More Dubya
- Stress
- Superbowl
- Superhero
- Superhero Roundup
- Take a Walk on the Dark Side
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Tanks for the Memories
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- Tattoo Types
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- Teddy Bears
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- Teenage Daughter
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- Tequila Beach Party
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- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Dinner
- The BOBs
- The Battle of New Orleans
- The Blonde Leading the Blonde
- The Cat's Christmas
- The Fairy Chronicles
- The Fourth of July
- The Friendly Skies
- The Frog Prince and other Fairy Tales
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- The Joy of Work
- The Laboratory
- The Links Are On Me!
- The Lists of 2005
- The Office
- The Penguin Post
- The Pillsbury Doughboy
- The Tao of Politics Anthology
- This and that
- Time Travel
- Toddlers
- Toilet Humor
- Toilets
- Toilets Once Again
- Tomatoes
- Tortoise and Hare
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- Traffic Jam
- Traffic Problems
- Treasure Trove of Links
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- Underwear
- Underwear and Lingerie
- Update from Louisiana
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- Vacation Photos
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- Vacation Trip
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- Valentines
- Valentines Gone Bad
- Valentines Preparations
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- Viagra
- Vikings
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- Wal*Mart 2
- Washington, DC
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- Wedding Announcements
- Wedding Day Horror
- Wedding Vows
- Wedding Weirdness
- Weekend Links
- Weird and Wild Weddings
- Welcome to Miss Cellania
- Welcome to Miss Cellania!
- What's with Dubya?
- Whiskey and Other Refreshments
- Why Women Live Longer Than Men
- Winter
- Women
- Women Drivers
- Wonderbra
- World Travel
- Writing
- Year of the Pig
- Yet More Dubya
- Yet More Links
- Yet More Toilets
- Zombie Fest
- Zombies
- Zoo
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Great Links!

At mental_floss, at lot of folks liked 9 People Who Did it Anyway, about disabled people who did exactly what they were not supposed to able to do, and The Many Views of Abbey Road. You might enjoy reading up on the Coney Island Freaks of Yesterday and Today, or possibly Zebroids: On Beyond Zebra. Also, 6 Things that Look like the Death Star was very popular.
At Neatorama, you don’t want to miss Grand Entrances, or How I Got to the Prom. There are some really neat videos there, too, like The Dog and the Door and We Will Rock You.
At YesButNoButYes, check out Where Are They Now: the Cast of M*A*S*H. Also some funny videos, like the Peeps Film Festival, Hamlet is Back, and Yellow Drum Machine. I also posted a personal story about my pets who died, Requiem for Two.
At Miss Cellania, I’ve had recent posts on Military Pilots, Chocolate Candy, Grandparents, Nerds, and Languages. The subject matter is pretty wide, and there’s a new topic every day!
Go to Miss C Recommends for updated links lists, videos, and full-length films.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Miss Cellania

I also have an auxiliary link blog, where I put just anything I find interesting. Its called Miss C Recommends.
And I contribute to several other blogs.
YesButNoButYes is the greatest pop culture blog on the planet. Or maybe not. I amcurrently the sole female contradictor in this testosterone-infested site. But they treat me well. I post somewhat more adult content over there.
Neatorama is the neat side of the web. I am one of about a half-dozen daily contributors who post the neatest things we find on the web. Updated several times a day.
Mental Floss is where knowledge junkies get their fix. The content is both entertaining and educational. You'll find my contributions there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Grumpy Old Bitches is a group of women on both sides of the pond who need a place to rant and complain.
Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!
A part of celebrating the New Year is to sum up the old year, usually with year-end lists. Some of those lists are lists of the best lists. The 2006 List of Lists of Lists! is the top ten list of those lists of lists. Somewhere here, you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about the year 2006. And some examples of circular recursion.
My personal New Year's greetings to you can be found at Miss Cellania.
Be sure to bookmark my main site for new humor and links every day!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas 2006
At YesButNoButYes, I posted a collection of funny links and videos called Dissing Santa.
At Neatorama, here's an experiment in giving that you may want to read up on, participate in, or donate to: The Million Dollar Blog Post.
At Grumpy Old Bitches, I talk about some terrible workplace Christmasses, and invite you to share yours.
Miss Cellania has a lot of Christmas posts full of jokes and links for your entertainment. Take your pick! Bad Santa The Cat’s Christmas Christmas Decorations Christmas Links Volume One Christmas Links Volume Two Christmas Treats A Dog’s Christmas Elves It’s A Wonderful Life Letters to Santa Redneck Christmas Sci-Fi Christmas
Friday, May 12, 2006
What going on?
I had already considered switching to a paid host, and signed up with Squarespace for the free one-month trial. Within a few hours, my original site was locked up tight. So I had to hurry and set up the new site. Please come over and see the NEW Miss Cellania!
Meanwhile, look below for a listing of links to previously published subjects.